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| - Articles on EngineeringThe History of Arrow Developmentby Eric Tavenier © , and Carolyn Anderson MoyerOctober, 2009In 1946, Arrow Development was started by four men who previously worked together at Hendy Iron Works. Arrow Development was started by Bill Hardiman, Angus Anderson, Karl Bacon, and Ed Morgan. All four men were instrumental in the start up and development of Arrow along with designing/building the rides for Disneyland when it opened in 1955. I remember being at Disneyland the opening day while my father, Angus Anderson, and his Arrow partners were there to make sure that everything ran smoothly. Arrow Development became instrumental in making the rides for Walt Disney in 1955 and Angus Anderson and Bill Hardiman sold their interest 10 years later. From left to right: Ed and Betty Morgan, Angus and Phyllis Anderson, Karl and Jane Bacon, and Bill and Evelyn Handiman Additional articles and photos:
Karl and Ed sold Arrow Development in the late 1970's.
Arrow Development later became known as Arrow Dynamics, a roller coaster design company based in Clearfield, Utah, United States. In 2002 Arrow Dynamics went bankrupt but was quickly bought by fellow amusement ride manufacturer S&S Power to form S&S Arrow. During its peak, Arrow Dynamics was responsible for some of the biggest and most influential advancements in the roller coaster industry. While impossible to measure, many children were so influenced by the creations of Arrow Development they became engineers later in life.
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